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2024 年度 10 月份 廣州琶州秋交會 , 和香港電子秋季展參展信息
因應中國國家環保局就 [企業事業單位環境信息] 公開化的配合
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使用电池应注意之事项/ Caution in Handling Battery

1.  避免接触火或加热导致爆开或起火
Do Not Direct contact with fire or heat, this may cause battery explode or on fire.

2.  避免弄湿,水会导致生锈和短路, 高温高湿测试时应加一面盖防水
Do not moist battery and its packing, this may cause cell battery rusting and or short circuit ; Even during the precondition test, you are requested to put a empty tray on top to prevent from moisture condensate , then cause cells short circuit and or discharge.

3.   避免用金属夹子夹着短路导致无电、发热或爆开
Avoid using metal clip to transfer battery, this may cause short circuit , low power, and high heat, then explosion is expected.

4.   避免靠窗受到日照产生高温导致气胀或爆开
Do not keep battery near windows or direct sunshine, this may cause high heat, then gassing explode is expected.

5.   远离儿童避免误吞食, 如有即看医生
Always keep away the Cell battery from Children, if swallow, seek doctor immediately.

6.   储存在 20 ℃ - 25 ℃ 之温度, 切勿靠近散热器或锅炉等
Keep the inventory temperature between 20 ℃ - 25 ℃, never put the cells battery near the boiler and heat radiator.

7.   储存在50 % - 70 % 之湿度防止受潮生锈
Keep the inventory humidity between 50 % - 70 %, high humid may cause cell battery in rusting, shelf discharge, and or leakage.

8.   存仓先进先用按先后进货次序使用
Maintain your inventory as:  First in, First out

9.  原箱迭起摆放不超过1米高, 避免压坏电池, 会导致漏液
Suggest maximum stacking height is 1 M, this will avoid the internal packing or cell battery damaged by weight.

10. 避免电池堆在一起, 或 将已装入电池的半成品堆放, 会令电池短路产生高温导致爆开

Always avoid stacking the cell batteries or semi-finished product together ; particular when it is installed with batteries, this may cause short circuit and high heat, then gassing explosion on behind.

11. 避免抛掷或强烈冲击电池, 会导致电池漏液、发热、气胀或爆开
Do not throw or heavy impact the cell battery, this may cause short circuit, then high heat, gassing deformed, or explosion on behind.

12. 不要在电池表面焊接, 会导致漏液气胀和爆开, 扣式锂锰电池更有可能会爆炸,
Do not direct soldering the cell battery, its structure may be damaged by high heat, then gassing, leakage, and or explosion is expected,  Particular the coin Lithium Battery may explosion when heated.

13. 不要将正负极反装, 会导致电池漏液气胀和爆开
Insert cell battery in proper polarity, otherwise, this may cause Leakage, gassing , and or explosion.

14. 不须使用的电池请勿打开包装, 避免堆栈短路导致气胀或爆开
If un-necessary, do not open extra packing, this may cause cell battery stacking together, then gassing, leakage, and or explosion.

 15. 已打开包装而未用完的电池应放在吸索内上加一个吸索, 并用橡胶绳等扎紧防止散乱堆栈短路
When you handle the unused cell battery, please put it into the original plastic tray carefully, then put another empty tray cover on the top, this will   avoid the cells contact with other metal objects ; tie with rubber band to reinforce the packing in anti-short circuit is suggested.

16. 电池使用完毕后应即自电器内拿出和正确弃置; 否则会泄漏电解液, 对电器或人身造成损害。
 Exhausted batteries should be immediately removed from quiipment and properly disposed of;  when discharged batteries are kept in the equipment for a long time, electrolyte leakage may occur damaging to the appliance and or personal injury.

17. 不要对电池充电和强行放电, 否则会令电池产生汽体, 泄漏电液, 甚至于爆开, 构成人体伤害。
Never charge and or forced discharge batteries, or this may cause battery gassing, leakage, and or explosion.

18.(New) 電池負極觸片不要用光銅片,或電鍍層差,不能抵抗氧化或腐蝕的銅片或底板,建議用

不銹鋼, 或鍍鎳不銹鐵片,而正極彈弓或片,要有足夠彈力, 方能長久使用.

(To Prevent from bad contact, We suggest the -ve Contact plate should use Stainless steel or Nickel Plated Steel, and the +ve contact spring , or plate should have strengthen force for longer service lifetime. If we use copper basis material with poor Nickel plating, Oxidation or corrosive may happening , INT may occur.


New Leader Battery Limited

為了貴戶使用鈕扣電池安裝入產品過程順利和避免產生不良品, 請詳細閱讀本注意項

1.        電池收貨存放的貨倉應有溫濕控制, 特別是在夏季熱天會有回南天, 多雨天的濕熱天氣環境要安裝足夠的抽濕機, 應保存在溫度 10-25 濕度 55%±20% 環境中.

2.        電池收貨後應在7天內進行品質驗收, 如有問題應同供應商溝通或換貨.

3.        電池在安裝過程中如發現有品質異常情況應同供應商溝通或換貨, 切勿將品質異常的電池安裝入產品.

4.        安裝過程中要防止電池堆疊或已裝入電池的半成品堆疊, 會導致短路消耗電容量.

5.        同電池正負極接觸導電片必須是有防腐蝕氧化的不鏽鋼片或鍍有足夠厚度, 具有防腐蝕氧化的鍍層, 防止因不耐腐蝕或出現氧化導致接觸不良.

6.        電池扣應有足夠的彈弓力壓緊電池正負極接觸位置, 防止因電池接觸五金片未能壓緊電池導致接觸不良.

7.        員工在用手取電池安裝入產品時, 要防止手指接觸到水或手汗, 將水或手汗污染電池正負極片和底板, 導致接觸不良, 夏季熱天建議安裝入電池有空調車間, 即使有帶指套手指仍會有汗污染電池.